Daniel Dalke - a would-be whisper of conscience
Poeditorial #301
911 - Why God Why?
A national tragedy we all witnessed,
And religious leaders in thoughts expressed,
Really did explain God’s role fairly well,
When about freedom of choice they did tell.
But as hopes of families turned to fears,
And finally in loss were shed more tears;
‘Midst that additional sorrow and pain,
A little more clearly one should explain.
For if God has power to do all things,
Why let all the sorrow and pain this brings?
Why indeed with His strength did He not act,
To protect us all from being attacked?
There are those who feel that every event,
By Him, must be allowed or somehow sent;
Like the Wizard in the castle in OZ,
He pushes some buttons all things to cause.
But this view of God is simply too small;
In the beginning when He created all,
He made systems of complete perfection,
That don’t require His constant direction.
Perfect except one crucial component,
For which God is the greatest proponent,
That Freedom of Choice Man has to possess,
For Belief or Love to ever confess.
For the choice to believe each man must make,
At least in his own heart a stance to take;
It’s not sufficient that one just fear Hell,
And in that fear then some belief they tell.
Whether a murderer held on death row,
Or “Fire and Brimstone” convert that you know;
To choose against something in death perceived,
Does not mean that in God one has believed.
So also, God chooses not to reveal,
Proof of Himself to conclusively seal;
Such act would cause many millions to lose,
That capacity for themselves to choose.
So, how to deal with the sorrow we’ve had?
In one movie, God was asked about bad,
Famine, disease and war with our brother?
He said, “That’s why I gave you each other.”
These evil events were all man’s doing,
But God inspires our efforts of renewing.
Signed by just a simple man,
Known to most folks as just dan.
@ Copies, reprints and quotes encouraged.