Daniel Dalke - a would-be whisper of conscience
Poeditorial #805
A bomb explodes, the quietness breaking,
A tragedy in many lives making;
Our planes are hijacked and used against us,
Buildings leveled, a sight horrendous.
They’re not military actions this time,
These are the terror of violent crime;
Is it things in our life they want to take,
Or statement the terrorist wants to make?
There is an old story that I heard tell,
Of a guy who seen both Heaven and Hell;
Both were a banquet with food amply stocked,
But all the people, their elbows were locked.
Unable to eat, those in Hell just fought,
But those in Heaven a solution sought,
They found each other they could reach and feed,
And all of them had a great feast indeed.
Our good fortune other peoples begrudge,
We’re selfish and stingy, they’re quick to judge;
But even if we gave them all we had,
They’d fight over it and still wind up mad.
While the truth is that we give quite a bit,
We also need to teach how to use it;
It has worked well for all those who have learned,
But there’s no free lunch, it all must be earned.
Success is no secret, we’ll gladly share,
But ‘tis no handout, it takes work and care.
Signed by just a simple man,
Known to most folks as just dan.
@ Copies, reprints and quotes encouraged.