Daniel Dalke - a would-be whisper of conscience
Poeditorial #809
Surrender of Rights
You also were probably taught in school,
This Republic’s based on majority rule;
Whether it’s a general election,
Or House or Senate that set direction.
But the role of the Court is to protect,
That individual rights not be neglect;
Those rights the majority can’t deprive,
No matter what the goal to which we strive.
For the Founding Fathers, there was concern,
Of losing these rights which they did discern;
For them, these rights were our choices to make,
And not the government’s to give or take.
Another point, though, we should remember,
It’s possible these rights to surrender;
Through the cause and effects of our own acts,
Loss of rights may be one of our impacts.
The traitor against his country chooses,
His rights, by this act he also loses;
The Founding Fathers hesitated not,
Such traitors when caught, promptly to be shot.
An American youth by choice he made,
His rights for a Taliban gun did trade;
Of guilt, indeed there can be no question,
Just what mercy, to give his direction.
Based on how much he did participate,
This young man has selected his own fate.
Signed by just a simple man,
Known to most folks as just dan.
@ Copies, reprints and quotes encouraged.