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Poeditorial #810


The Flag I Fly




The Flag I fly is flown high with great pride,

Neither flag nor pride should I want to hide;

‘Tis a blessing to live in this great land,

So much more than we often understand.


My flag flies high for those who’ve fought our wars,

For the lives sacrificed on foreign shores;

And for those lives that forever did change,

When the call meant plans had to rearrange.


It flies high for those now dedicated,

In service for us they’re implicated;

Including those who defend and protect,

Many who have earned our awe and respect.


It also includes those serving to teach,

The minds and hearts of our children they reach;

And those giving to us medical care,

In hospitals, offices, homes everywhere.


It flies for leaders like our President,

Who rose to face a great predicament;

Its also for the immigrant next door,

Who works hard each day to accomplish more.


Like mine, I have seen your flag flying too,

And I am proud to share this thought with you;

But some flags are getting tattered and torn,

In honor, we should replace them when worn.


“Old Glory” inspires when I see her fly,

Because of all those who’ve served you and I.




Signed by just a simple man,

Known to most folks as  just dan.




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