Daniel Dalke - a would-be whisper of conscience
I wish that I could take Christmas,
And just hand it over to you,
All the special magical fuss,
That makes the season fun to do.
Warmer smiles and twinklier eyes,
Big hugs and mistletoe kisses,
Frequent dreams of pleasant surprise,
All of the holiday blisses.
So, this season of Joy you’d feel,
And it’s meaning you’d know is true,
Love, Peace and Hope, indeed are real,
And some of each is there for you.
Love Sparks is an intriguing Christmas tale,
A Christmas Eve encounter to detail;
About Angie, a homeless person, who
Has been less fortunate than me and you.
Hopefully it touches your heart a bit,
Her homeless condition is not just it;
But on life and love all of us should not
Give up and let happiness be forgot.
The story hopefully tries to inspire,
That love and content we can all acquire.
Available on Amazon:
I hope this Christmas is a jolly one for you,
I hope there's Peace, Hope and Love in all that you do;
In hope to spread just a bit more holiday cheer,
Here are some Christmas thoughts that just might help this year.
It includes Grandpa's Christmas Story told my way,
Love Sparks that I just did and is new to portray,
All the Christmas story-games to just read or use,
And my Christmas Thoughts to casually peruse.
Available on Amazon:
Grandpa’s Christmas Story
Quite a few years back when my granddaughters were young,
And Christmas at our place I knew they would be brung;
My version of the Christmas Story I did write,
Their little hearts and minds maybe I could excite.
Here’s links to read or download, whichever you choose,
If you do like it, please feel free for it to use;
After all, it was sure intended to be shared,
With children, grandchildren and all those whom are cared.
Christmas Thoughts
Left-Right Stories
We have one of those big Christmas celebrations,
That fills the house with lots of friends and relations;
There’s a gift exchange, ev’ryone brings one they choose,
So we needed a way to see who should get whose.
So, some cute, brand new Christmas stories I did write,
In which I embedded a lot of “Left” and “Right”;
They make a fun and exciting gift exchange game,
To decide which gift each person will get to claim.
“Santa Left” has Santa Claus with a real problem,
Until Sandman comes along and he can help him.
In “Right Frosty” the big snow guy has lots of fun,
But some kids have to help him get back on his run.
In "Left Rudolph" his help from the elves, Frick and Frack,
Almost gets all of them all messed up and off track.
So, if your Christmas plans include a gift exchange,
And fun ways to disperse them you’d like to arrange,
You may want to check out these little story-games,
Because fun and laughter is for what each one aims.
Left The
Daniel Dalke
Daniel Dalke