Daniel Dalke - a would-be whisper of conscience
Grandpa’s Christmas Story
Listen my dear children, please listen well,
Grandpa has a story he likes to tell.
I know that this story, you’ve heard before,
But its good enough to hear more and more.
Its Christmas time, we see it everywhere;
Santa’s coming, excitement’s in the air;
There are decorations, lots of bright lights;
And plenty of special holiday sights;
Bunches of pretty cards that people send;
Lots of presents ready to be opened;
The smell of special foods that are baking,
A great Christmas dinner they are making.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year;
But, its more than those things we’ve mentioned here;
The magic of Christmas is more than this,
And I’m here to tell what the magic is.
The magic of Christmas is really Love,
Celebrating God’s great Gift from above;
For so much does God love each one of us,
He sent His Son as the Baby, Jesus.
You see, God is Love, He always has been,
And He made the whole world, way, way back when;
He made it great and pretty as could be,
Then gave it to all, even you and me.
But they had big troubles, long time ago,
They forgot the Love, God told them to show;
People had lots of rules they had to mind,
And the leaders were mean, not very kind.
So God decided the right way to show,
That His great Love, people again would know;
He needed Someone to show the Way,
So He sent His Son , that First Christmas Day.
As a baby our Good Lord Jesus came,
So a mother’s love He could first take claim;
God wanted Him nurtured with Love all around,
A perfect mother in Mary He found.
Mary was engaged to Joseph, a man,
As Jesus’ step-dad, he fit in God’s Plan;
A great home God knew they would surely give,
Where Baby Jesus could grow, learn and live.
A trip they made before Jesus was born,
They went a long ways and were tired and worn;
And then there was no room that they could find,
Just an old stable, if they didn’t mind.
So there it was that Mary soon gave birth,
To the greatest Blessing God could give Earth;
With the animals, in a humble stall,
Jesus came so that He could save us all.
Now that same night, out in the country-side,
There were shepherds, some men whose job they tried,
To watch their sheep and keep them safe and sound,
To protect from dangers that might come ‘round.
Shepherds are men, under whose watchful care,
Their sheep graze and grow, and well do they fare;
Their Love for their flock they often must show,
And of this unselfish Love, God does know.
Of all the people, God chose them the first,
For the great, wonderful news to be burst;
He sent an angel to tell the story,
Jesus was born and He would have glory.
Amazed, they wondered could it really be,
So they left their sheep and hurried to see;
There in the stable they saw it was true,
Jesus had come to save them, me and you.
Then in the sky more angels did appear,
A great Heavenly choir they could all hear;
As they all watched in fascination,
A party beyond imagination.
There were angels of many shapes and sizes,
Some big, some small, and some bearing prizes,
Some playing horns and harps and bells ringing,
And all of them a great song were singing.
They all sang about how great God had been,
They sang about His great Love for all men,
They sang of this Baby, His Son, Who’d came,
That all people could be saved from their blame.
You see, the Angels are special indeed,
They come straight from God, where e’er there’s a need;
And this special night they all appeared above,
To all celebrate God’s great Gift of Love.
God also caused there to be a new star,
So big and bright it would be seen a’far;
He placed it way up high in the sky,
So people who saw it would wonder why.
There were three wise men who lived far away,
They saw the star, and to themselves did say,
“What wonderful thing somewhere has happened,
That caused this great star the sky to ascend.”
So they loaded up gifts fit for a king,
And set off to see where the star might bring;
They traveled and came where Jesus was at,
They marveled and at His feet their gifts sat.
They were amazed with this Baby so small,
Yet they knew He would become King of all;
They could see in His face and Mary’s too,
He was the Gift of Love to me and you.
That is why Christmas we now celebrate,
Because way back on that earlier date,
God showed just how great His Love for us was,
When He sent His Son, the Baby Jesus.
Jesus grew up a great Teacher to be,
He taught us God’s Love so wonderfully;
He taught us how to love one another,
He taught us how we should treat each other.
And as if all that still wasn’t enough,
Jesus made a great sacrifice of Love;
He died for our sins that we’d have a way,
To join Him and God in Heaven some day.
The Love He showed we carry in our heart,
To share with family, of which we’re part;
The magic of Christmas and all year through,
Is Love we get to share with each of you.
Grandpa Dan