Daniel Dalke - a would-be whisper of conscience
We are all just mortal creatures here on this Earth,
Living on borrowed time clear from our humble birth;
There is no guarantee how long our lives might last,
So how do we measure this life when it has past?
There are some who believe it is fortune or fame,
That what we accomplish sets forth our mortal claim;
That popularity or wealth one might acquire,
Gives some measure of worth to life that did transpire.
Life is not a product, something finally gained;
It is a whole process, throughout the years sustained.
When lives touch each other with actions, thoughts, intents,
They leave some impressions, some small tell-tale “heart-prints.”
And all of these “heart-prints” when together we add,
They measure up our lives, whether ‘tis good or bad;
For these then are the sum of the lives we did touch,
Not only how many, but also by how much.
The “heart-prints” we do leave throughout the lives we live,
Whether to our loved ones or to others do give,
They are the whole story, what we did, how’d we act,
They’re the true story from the lives we did impact.
As through life we journey, we must enjoy our way,
For we never know when we meet our judgment day;
Our legacy left, though, when our life does unwind,
Are those “heart-prints” we’ve made on all those left behind.
I also do believe good “heart-prints” follow us,
Into eternity, like a lasting chorus;
Like an extra blessing, some icing on the cake,
The warmth of loved ones’ hearts, with us we get to take.
And so for this loved one, joining the Lord above,
Basking in His Glory of great eternal Love,
Restored in perfect health, and also he can sense,
The Love and Gratitude from each of our “heart-prints.”
On January 5th, two calls we did receive,
Though they were expected, still both were cause to grieve.
An uncle who just died, the first call did report;
A cousin to hospice, his time was likely short.
Upon both their lives, that night I reflected,
And their families, I knew were affected;
And what impressed me most, on each of these men’s sake,
How other lives we touch, with heart-prints that we make.