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Jim "JD" Davis - Memory


What makes a person special, what makes one unique,

What does make one stand out in actions or physique;

Different as our fingerprints or our DNA,

There are all the things that we all think, do and say.


JD was indeed unique and very special,

A one-of-a-kind super individual;

A good husband, father, brother for family,

A warm and caring friend to all, truly was he.


Tall enough to stand out, noticeable indeed,

White flowing hair and beard, a rather handsome steed;

Much like Kenny Rogers or Kris Kristofferson,

Must say he was a good-looking son-of-a-gun.


His was a slow smile that would simply take it’s place,

Because it was his eyes that would light up his face;

Like when he frequently would have a joke to tell,

You’d see those eyes light up before his punch line fell.


Or those eyes that would often make that upward roll,

Whenever things would get a bit out of control;

Maybe ‘twas something with which he didn’t agree,

That characteristic eye roll again we’d see.


A rather quiet soul, he never complained much,

He’d just simply pitch in when there was work or such;

Always ready to help, never would drag his feet,

And always a firm, warm handshake to all he’d greet.


JD was a special family man and friend,

A warm, caring person on whom we could depend;

Indeed he was unique, a stand-out kind of guy,

We regret it was time for him to say good-bye.

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