Daniel Dalke - a would-be whisper of conscience
Loves of my Life
The girl I loved at twenty, was full of fire and passion,
Emotions she had were plenty, both anger and compassion.
She brought a fire to my life as I had never known;
Whether happiness or strife, such feeling I’d never shown.
The girl I loved at thirty, was committed as can be,
With foundation that’s sturdy, she did build our family.
Not a doubt of loyalty, her love and her faith secure,
Like a touch of royalty, great respect I had in her.
The girl I loved at forty, was so active and involved;
Church, school or something sporty, her interest had evolved.
Her judgment I respected, a great sense of equity,
Her love also reflected her deep faith and integrity.
The girl I love at fifty, is my companion and friend;
Set to go like a gypsy, time travelling we do spend.
Our thoughts and feelings are shared, to each other we confide,
So much for each other cared, ourselves always satisfied.
I am sure there are many, who’ll think these loves weren’t all true;
I have no doubts, not any, for all of these loves are you.
All of these things that you were, you still are to me today;
And of one thing I am sure, I love you in every way.
Happy Birthday