Daniel Dalke - a would-be whisper of conscience
My Empathy Card
You have lost a loved one, we’ve lost a precious life,
Be it a parent, child, sibling, husband or wife;
And many sympathies friends and family try,
To help you feel better and ease the tears you cry.
They really do mean well, for you they really care,
Some of your hurt and pain they would each gladly share;
Truth is, though, they can’t, it’s in there deep inside,
Your grief that you must bear, ‘til all your tears are cried.
Some try to ease that grief through an explanation,
“It’s all part of God’s plan,” some predestination;
And better then they feel, there was a reason why,
That at this point in time a loved one had to die.
They’re not entirely wrong, there is a Plan in place,
Better understanding might help this loss you face;
‘Cause the Good Lord did not just take your Love away,
And leave you all alone, ‘cause that’s just not His way.
Bear with me a little, so that I can explain,
I think you’ll feel better, it will help ease your pain.
Of the most importance is to know God is Love,
That He’s in all of us and not just up above.
Thousands of years ago, God didn’t stop and say,
“I guess we’ll take this life, on this one certain day.”
Those that imply all things must happen at His whim,
They’re not really aware of the Greatness of Him.
God did create us all, a great product of His Love,
To live, laugh, love and die, and rejoin Him above;
A good simple cycle where we’d age gracefully,
And then return to Him through death so peacefully.
Long lives of happiness, and Loves we would create,
Praise and Glory to Him all of us would relate;
Can you begin to see how vast it all has grown,
Through the generations, all the Love that’s been shown?
For us to truly love, we have to have a choice,
For Love to be returned we each must have a voice;
It was that right to choose, that mankind made back when,
That opened up a door and let some darkness in.
For slowly we have learned with choice comes consequence,
There are cause and effects that shape future events;
Thousands of years gone by and generations passed,
A consequence we’ve caused, long lives don’t always last.
Like the automobile, we chose that we would make,
To help us to travel, longer trips we could take;
A great aid to us all, but there’s a consequence,
When somebody’s loved ones are killed in accidents.
Illnesses like cancer, heart disease and the rest,
Are consequences of choices we thought were the best;
Someday they will be linked to chemicals and stuff,
That while they helped, these results they weren’t aware of.
Often the innocent are the ones that do pay,
For choices that were made in an earlier day;
But while it truly sucks, this sorrow you now bear,
You are not all alone, ‘cause God is still right there.
Your loved one is with God, the Plan still works that way,
And the Love that you shared, forever it will stay;
For Love is still the thing that life is all about,
Because God still is Love, He won’t leave you without.
It’s true that your loved one can’t give you a big hug,
You won’t see their warm smile that your heartstrings did tug,
They cannot take your hand to lead you on your way,
Their seat will be empty on every special day.
But don’t you ever think it means they are not there,
Don’t ever have a doubt those moments they still share;
Connected by your Love, they’ll always be with you,
And your heart they’ll still touch in all things that you do.
God is Love, Love is God, through it He’s glorified,
Why would He let it end, just because one has died?
He blessed us all so that new Love we can create,
Death He will not allow that true Love to abate.
Death is not an ending, final as it may seem,
‘Tis just a transition, joining God’s loving team;
The sorrow we feel now, we slowly must replace,
With the expectation some day we’ll see their face.
Meanwhile be comforted, their Love for you remains,
Even stronger through God this special Love still gains;
That Love is still alive and very much it’s real,
And it’s warmth in your heart, you’ll continue to feel.
I share this with you now in hope it helps you see,
Troubled as you may feel, some comfort there will be;
The Love of God is yours and your loved one as well,
And it will help you bear this sorrow that befell.
The Lord does love you,
And will keep you,
And your loved one, too;
And then someday,
In some way,
They’ll be rejoined with you.
May you be blessed,