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    Theology Trilogy




I.  There Is A God and He/She Is Love

II.  The Apple and The Prodigal Son

III.  Man and The Plan





Daniel Dalke




Copyright 2016



Theology Trilogy




No matter what our beliefs, all of us tend to ponder,

There’s much about our existence to cause us to wonder;

From where did ev’rything come and why the heck are we here?

And can we get an answer that’s anywhere close to clear?


Those who are religious say they’ve got it all figured out,

But then there’s conflicts with science that cause us some doubt;

But science by itself doesn’t give a complete answer,

A lot’s left up to chance on how many things did occur.


Religions argue between them which of them is the best,

And they’re quick to encourage us to ignore all the rest;

But the answers they give us we’re supposed to just accept,

And overlook the discrepancies others might detect.


In our logical world that’s governed by cause and effect,

It seems there should be some answers we could find and respect;

So, I would like to take some time to do exactly that,

Because I think there are some answers we can arrive at.


Believer, Atheist, Agnostic, whichever that you might be,

I hope you will take some time to think through some things with me;

I promise to try not to insult your intelligence,

As I simply seek to appeal to your good common sense.


I heard this speaker back when, and this good point he did make,

Observed by a Buddhist with him on a flight he did take;

“Christians perceive a sinner in each person that they meet,

While I’m taught divine message comes from anyone I greet.”



I have also travelled some, more than the average Joe,

There’s something I have noticed that I want to let you know;

No one that I’ve met the Christian message they had not heard,

But there are many who by our churches have been deterred.


Whether perceived as irrelevance or hypocrisy,

Something about our churches a stumbling block they can be;

And the important message they anxiously want to share,

Falls onto deaf ears and it doesn’t get them anywhere.


So back to the basics let’s go, throw out all the old cliché’s,

And we’ll analyze these thoughts in some more logical ways;

Whatever you now believe, please start with an open mind,

Sensibly together, let’s see what answers we might find.


Atheists believe there’s no god nor any deity,

Agnostics don’t care, to them there’s no relativity;

So that’s where we will begin, and we’ll prove god’s existence,

Then we’ll look into what the heck is the significance.


We will start with There Is A God and He/She Is Love,

Where we will delve into the proof that I mentioned above;

And then once we do establish that a god does exist,

We will further check out the nature He/She does consist.

Theology Trilogy

I. There Is A God and He/She Is Love



Proving a deity does exist, not long does it take,

Two logical analyses I would simply like to make;

For our first argument, at the beginning we will start,

And for the other, signs of intelligence seem to be smart.


By starting at the beginning, we’re talking way, way back,

Back before anything, way before history can track.

How did it all get started, where is everything from?

From what or where did all of the universe ever come?


We’re not talking evolution, ‘cause that still does imply,

That something was there before, from which evolved you and I.

Even further back still, from what has everything sprang?

Or is it as some do say, it started with the Big Bang?


If so, then what caused the Big Bang, particles of some kind?

If that’s the case, can the start of those particles we find?

You see, to the start we still haven’t been able to get,

Even science with all it’s theories is not there yet.


We can spend the whole day long saying this came from that,

But as long as it came from something, the start we’re not at;

And in another hundred years, when folks are smarter still,

They may know a lot more steps, but the start they never will.


What it all comes down to, is something we have to accept,

Which all of our laws of physics would completely reject;

There is something that came from nothing, just simply began,

Or something has existed forever, and it still can.


So which of these seems like it is more or less practical?

Do either of these options seem more or less logical?

Did something from nothing just suddenly begin,

Or is there something that forever and always has been?


Whichever, it doesn’t matter, neither is plausible,

Something from nothing is not reasonably possible,

Nor is existing forever, no start from anything;

It defies scientific sense this infinite something.


This infinite something we just established, let’s call god,

But if we stop there I am concerned you would still cry “fraud;”

All we have done so far is agree that there is something,

But about he/she/it we still do not know anything.


To the second argument then, we will now therefore turn,

Some more valuable conclusions so we can discern;

 Further proof of existence, but also some more insight,

Hopefully the nature of this something we can gain sight.



Stonehenge has been a good example how we’re quick to say,

Something beyond natural occurrence seems to portray

That intelligent intervention must have come into play,

‘Cause randomly in nature things would not wind up this way.


But better and more current is the Mars rover program,

R2D2 and BB-8 on a 4-wheelin’ jam;

Across the surface of Mars they’ve been travelling around,

Checking everything out, and eyes always on the ground.


If suddenly they came upon five rocks in a straight row,

There would be clamor that intelligent life it does show;

Such a configuration would not randomly occur,

So signs of intelligent life it would surely infer.


This is valid logic, that I also would not deny,

But now to our whole universe, this logic let’s apply;

In all of it’s vastness and apparent complexity,

Systems and subsystem sets make up its intricacy.


In the un-seen sub-atomic world of quarks and photons,

And the ever-racing and highly charged electrons,

There are patterns of behavior how each they complement,

Through which they do associate to form an element.


At the cellular level of membranes and nucleus,

Their highly differentiated functions impress us;

Like the chromosomes with microscopic, detailed blue-print,

That can govern a fly’s or elephant’s development.


Millions of varied cells can make up an organism,

Coordinating to supply all its mechanism;

Like all the systems and sub-systems of our human body,

Individual but still the same for ev’rybody.


Organisms, plants or animals, including man-kind,

Together into social groups themselves will often find,

Where relationships exist through which the whole group can gain,

Like families, government or even food supply chain.


Mother Earth herself, through many systems does operate,

Activity patterns to supply and rejuvenate;

Seasons, weather, tides and even her daily rotation,

All patterns she has exhibited from her formation.


The planets, stars, galaxies and the entire universe,

Through systems and patterns together they all do traverse;

Even the grand, massive nebulae as new stars they churn,

More of their cycles or systems we continue to learn.


So if we would be willing that five rocks in a straight line,

We’d see as indication of intelligent design,

How can a universe with such clockwork intricacy,

Be intelligently perceived to occur randomly?


Trillions of components with individual function,

Meticulously intertwined in total conjunction,

With layers and layers of systematic interface,

Simply must have been intelligently put into place.


Seems entirely obvious that intelligent design,

To all this integrated complexity we must assign;

And so the something that earlier we could not refute,

Intelligence with it’s infiniteness we attribute.


This now intelligent, infinite something, once again,

If I say it’s god, there are plenty who’ll say amen;

But, there will still be plenty who are going to say Whoa,

And not be entirely sure a complete picture we did show.


So, while I think it’s pertinent to this point we did get,

There’s lots more to discern and we’re certainly not done yet.

The intelligent design of our infinite something,

Does that make he/she/it the creator of ev’rything?



At this point there is a reference which I’d like to make,

But not to scriptures, that liberty I said I’d not take;

No, this is Charles Darwin, the father of evolution,

And his Natural Selection, that I would like to mention.


Darwin attributed his own intelligent design

In the evolution process that affects a species line,

Called Natural Selection, which he would capitalize,

Some guidance to development that would materialize.


This guidance concept of Darwin I want us to borrow,

Because there’s an evolution process I want to follow;

But before we do, I believe we ought to clarify,

What this concept of evolution means to you and I.


We are not here to argue if man from a monkey came,

We do not need to support or deny any such claim;

But evolution is a process of change over time,

Which we know occurs, however casual or sublime.



Wherever it starts, however far back in time it goes,

Man-kind’s evolution important information shows;

The process it’s taken shows plenty of evidence of,

It has been intelligently designed to promote love.


Only species ever with a face-to-face mating stance,

Is there really any doubt that this was more than just chance;

A relationship between participants it promotes,

And some intelligent design once again it denotes.


Usually bonding long-term or for life in this process,

Still further increases family love’s chance of success;

The long-term or life-time bond of partners helps to assure,

A loving environment for their children to nurture.


Normally single births down plays concern for quantity,

And emphasizes intended design for quality;

Increased interaction between parents and their children,

Assures love is shared and passed down in the lives they begin.


The gestation period, the length of time in the womb,

For man is relatively long, by design we presume;

The mother-child interdependency that it does create,

A whole life-time of loving connection they will relate.


The maturation period, the time that it does take

For a child to grow up so that on it’s own it can make;

For man-kind is again long, perhaps the longest of all,

Promoting more nurturing, again a good design call.


Through these uniquely human qualities we realize,

That man-kind’s development was intended to optimize,

So long-term family units would commonly occur,

Through which a strong, caring love we would foster and nurture.



Love, similar to life, is an intriguing quality,

Where did either get their start, from whence came their reality?

Is it easier to imagine that they were random accidents,

Or the achievement of intelligent, caring guidance?


All scientific study of “this from that” which we spend,

Life and love, like the Big Bang, we say that they just happened,

It is no less scientific and much more logical,

They’re the intelligent design of something powerful.


The infinite something from which all things had to begin,

A loving creator, he/she/it must have been;

A grand universe of meticulous intricacy,

He/She/It designed and has guided from its infancy.


And in his/her/its creatively guided masterpiece,

Man-kind is a consummate accomplishment that did please;

An independent creature capable of choice and love,

Precisely the object the designer was thinking of.


Some of you are with me and you don’t have any doubt,

There really is this god, that I have been talking about;

But I know there are some who are not entirely sure,

Can it really be as simple as I seem to infer?


I’m not asking for blind faith, that this truth to just believe,

I’ve outlined the logic we should practically perceive;

There is indeed something that’s beyond our comprehension,

That infinitely has always been, as we did mention.


In each and every scientific explanation,

From the inanimate suddenly sprang animation;

With all the intricacy in this universe we define,

Is it not more logical ‘twas intelligent design?


If this infinite and intelligent so-called something,

Was therefore responsible for causing everything,

Along with the power and intelligence we discern,

It’s also logical to attribute love and concern.



Hopefully you have followed this logic we have discussed,

And I hope the conclusions reached that you can also trust;

If “God,” this infinite intelligent designer we call,

Then I am still concerned some of you it will cause to stall.


There will be some of you that if “God” is the name we use,

Some religion and/or church you fear we must also choose;

Just like those of you, I am still not ready to do that,

Because back at the very start is where we still are at.


The infinite, intelligent, loving designer who

Breathed life and love into whatever became me and you,

He/She/It by the name “God” we will refer,

But no religious affiliation do we infer.


However, I think there are more answers we can derive,

To more logical conclusions I think we can arrive;

In another section some foundation we’ll try to lay,

Using pretty much the same logical deduction way.


Our freedom of choice for love’s return is significant,

An important God and man relationship component;

So it’s the pertinent subject that will be next begun,

In the next section, The Apple and The Prodigal Son.

Theology Trilogy

II. The Apple and The Prodigal Son



Hooray!  You turned the page and you are hanging with me still,

With my logic and my rhyme you haven’t yet got your fill;

At this point with the logic you may or may not agree,

But you are at least willing, where we’re headed to still see.


Let’s take a moment then, and let’s imagine that I am right,

There is a designer with infinite wisdom and might;

He/She/It we are calling God, for sake of a name,

The creator of everything this God we do claim.


Now, let’s imagine further still that we are He/She/It,

This may be difficult, because we’re stretching quite a bit;

We’ve caused and guided everything possible to form,

Galaxies, stars and planets we’ve created quite a swarm.


Comets, super novae and black holes we have put in place,

Our canvas is the enormity of infinite space.

So, has this taken us a trillion years or just a day?

At this early point does it really matter any way?


In magnificent grandeur everything functions well,

But to whom do we show it, who is there that we can tell?

So we decide we need something with which we can relate,

And we design even more and life we then create.


With a thought, a touch, a breath, or whatever it might be,

The magic of life we infuse ever so carefully.

Do we start with a few cells and guide them through the ages?

Or start out with a great variety at many stages?


Again it matters not, “How” is not our current concern,

‘Cause it is about the “Why” that we are trying to learn;

Time is irrelevant, we’ve had infinity to work,

And some eventual perfection is our only quirk.


However long we’ve taken, we’ve created quite many,

Plants and animals, beautiful, functional and plenty;

We’ve even provided that themselves they can replicate,

As they coexist and with one another they relate.


Great beauty and function, our accomplishment is supreme,

They even look to us instinctively with pure esteem;

Yet, while respect and revere they feel and some even voice,

It is still just an instinct and not made from any choice.


So, here we sit as this God, the great creator of all,

Happy with our creation, all things whether great or small;

Yet, while we love all that we have made, the one thing we lack,

Is something or anything that can truly love us back.


Image of this infinite, intelligent God we’ve set,

Loneliness onto He/She I don’t pretend to project;

I simply seek to emphasize part of His/Her design,

Not ev’ry exact detail did He/She want to assign.


Some random element of chance there simply had to be,

So that freedom of choice He/She could grant to you and me;

The full perpetuating love He/She sought to create,

Only subsists if we can willfully reciprocate.



In the Judaic-Christian background of which most are aware,

There is Adam and Eve’s story and the apple they dare;

The moral or lesson assumed to be contained therein,

The wrong choice they did make and thus began evil or sin.


Had that apple they rejected and not taken a bite,

Everything would have stayed perfect and all would be right;

While many think that perfection is what it would have meant,

It would not yet have full-filled His/Her great experiment.


Oh, things would have been great, with plenty of glory and praise,

He/She all would have known and would have been worshipped always;

But there would have been no choice, no option to anyone,

Not like the glory of a returning prodigal son.


Thus if man-kind had chosen to remain simply naïve,

And the ability to choose we then did not receive,

Then He/She would have chose a different time and place,

Perhaps another planet somewhere way out there in space.


It does make one wonder, how many times ahead of us,

To how many worlds and species that this election was?

In fact, if and when space travel we should ever muster,

Don’t worry about bad, seems like good we should encounter.



However, whether right or wrong, freedom of choice we won,

Man-kind made it’s selection, we are the prodigal son;

We are capable of choosing our many directions,

And we’re responsible for results of our selections.


Free will, freedom of choice, however it is we might say,

Has a lot of impact in many a different way;

We’ll pick up more of those good topics in our last section,

For now I’d like to stick with our thoughts on God’s detection.


Since we chose to be aware and our own choices to make,

Different direction our experience had to take;

God had to make Him/Herself less apparent to man-kind,

If individual choice to believe we are to find.


The choice to believe in God each person themselves must make,

At least in his/her own heart their own stance they have to take;

God’s existence, obvious to those choosing to believe,

Remains a mystery waiting for others to perceive.


For if God Him/Herself did indisputably reveal,

And proof of Him/Herself would therefore conclusively seal,

Nothing would be remaining for any of us to choose,

And the ability to reciprocate many would lose.


It’s also not sufficient that belief someone does tell,

Out of fear of upcoming death or what they might call Hell;

That choice must be each person’s obvious contemplation,

That actually reflects some heart-felt realization.


So, whether it’s a murderer being held on death row,

Or a “Fire and Brimstone” convert of which you might just know;

To choose against something that in death they perceive,

Does not mean that in God they have really chose to believe.


So. God, our infinite, intelligent, caring something,

Who was the amazing designer of everything,

He/She caused our world to come together in such a way,

Whether or not we believed, we would each have our own say.


The absence of some compelling, conclusive evidence,

Of something having supreme power and intelligence,

Causes many inquiring minds to have plenty of doubt,

‘Til we grasp lack of apparency is what it’s about.


Once this conclusive deduction we logically reach,

And merge some understanding faith with the science we teach,

Then the pieces all fit together making lots more sense,

And God’s presence and direction have lots of evidence.


Many are the scientists that really, truly marvel.

How perfectly together all things God chose to ravel;

The incredible intricacy of multiple parts,

Functional, efficient and yet can rival all our arts.


Take the weather cycle as an example we can use,

A rejuvenation to replace fresh water we lose;

As clouds are formed and moved their important product to bring,

They, sunsets, rainbows and more enhance the skies we’re seeing.


Or take the human body, an incredible machine,

And yet one of the greatest works of art we’ve ever seen;

Efficiently functional in so many different ways,

Yet it’s beauty in art work never ceases to amaze.


The amazingly intelligent design that had to be,

Is overwhelming evidence to many folks like me;

What a great, loving creator there very truly is,

And very ample is the logical proof of all this.


So, there is a God, and He/She actually is love,

Not only the source of life, love He/She was the start of.

It was a great start from a truly marvelous design,

But for where we are now, is there still more we can define?


Most religious folks seem to be quick to bring up God’s plan,

Some concept that they have for what He/She intends for man;

But here is where some problems and differences arise,

As different interpretations they often devise.


The same logical deduction process let’s give a try,

Avoiding religious dogma, let’s ask more about why;

Join me in the last section, if you’re willing and please can,

For lack of anything better, it’s called Man And The Plan.

Theology Trilogy

III. Man And The Plan



Earlier in our short imagination exercise,

Where ourselves as God we all attempted to visualize,

There is another impression I would like to mention,

That connects into the next topic for our attention.


If you really were able to control all that is done,

You could choose what happens to ev’rything and ev’ryone;

If making all choices, causing all events you could do,

Are you really certain that you would actually want to?


Since He/She’s God, there are those who feel that ev’ry event,

By Him/Her, must be directly allowed or somehow sent;

Like the Wizard behind the curtain in the Land of Oz,

Pushing buttons and pulling levers so all things to cause.


However, this view of God is very simply too small,

Way back in the beginning when He/She did create all,

He/She formulated systems of complete perfection,

That do not require His/Her ever constant direction.


So it bothers me some, I wonder if it does you too,

Ev’rything that happens, some say God intended to do;

Disasters, accidents, disease, and even last night’s ball game,

Were all part of His/Her Plan, these folks positively claim.


No, His/Her Plan is not a completely laid-out blue-print,

That sets out the details of every action or event;

The start and end of each our lives is not set down somewhere,

Playing out like a script, waiting for its author to share.


Even though God certainly could, why the heck would He/She,

Taking away the free will He/She gave to you and me?

He/She chooses to let some randomness to operate,

So through our freedom of choice we can elect to relate.


That doesn’t mean there’s no plan, that it’s aimless disorder;

The great order of the universe we did accord her.

No, the Plan is a relationship between God and us,

And that’s the next direction of logic we will discuss.



“Man in God’s own image” is what the religions do say,

Though it’s doubtful that it is meant in a physical way;

The awareness and free will God allowed for man to elect,

Is the similarity with God that man does reflect.


With the freedom of choice comes the capacity to love,

Certainly a God-like quality man’s capable of;

This ability to love that we can choose to return,

Is the creation accomplishment for which God did yearn.


For love is completed and then it becomes glorified,

When it’s offered, accepted and it’s return ratified;

That completed connection of love for God does fulfill,

The grand expectation into us He/She did instill.


The animate, life/love part which each organism contains,

Is like a part of God that in each one of us remains;

And while the other forms of life can feel His/Her great care,

Uniquely, man-kind with Him/Her this love can truly share.


Already so greatly blessed in this God relationship,

Even further blessing He/She gave for our ownership;

This reciprocating love we can share with one another,

Our mate or spouse, parent and child, with sister or brother.


God did create us all, a great product of His/Her love,

To live, laugh, love and die, and then return to Him/Her above;

A good simple cycle where we would age so gracefully,

And then return to Him/Her through a death so peacefully.


Through long lives of happiness, and the loves we would create,

Praise and glory to Him/Her all of us would then relate;

Truly a great blessing for God and equally for man,

As simple as it might seem this was indeed His/Her Plan.


Love we do choose to return, and God we do glorify,

Love we create in relationships between you and I;

Thousands of years gone by and many generations passed,

Infinitely amazing all the love that’s been amassed.


Now, the freedom of choice that was important that we make,

Some different paths through our history has made us take;

For slowly we have learned, with choice comes consequence,

As from causes there are effects that shape future events.


Many choices in the past led to oppression and war,

They have resulted in injury, disease, death and more;

In fact, most ev’rything we’d consider evil or bad,

Probably could be traced back to some choices someone had.


Like the automobile, we chose that we would make,

To help us all to travel more, longer trips we could take;

It is a great aid to us all, but there’s a consequence,

When somebody’s loved ones are sadly killed in accidents.


Illnesses like dreaded cancer, heart disease and the rest,

Are consequences of choices that we thought were the best;

Someday, more of them will be linked to chemicals and stuff,

That while they may have helped, these results they weren’t aware of.


Then there are the choices that are deliberately made,

For individual benefit with others betrayed;

Gaining at someone’s expense, be it through fraud, theft or force,

A single crime or more broadly through oppression and wars.


Before we continue, though, let me quickly emphasize,

All the good out-weighs the bad, it far more than nullifies;

A lover’s touch, a good-night kiss, a bed-time lullaby,

A choir’s song, a hand-shake and hug, all keep the good side high.


Expressions of care and love, however simple and sweet,

Millions and billions of times these feelings man does repeat;

Through ev’ryone of us these good feelings God does receive,

They far outweigh any and all the bad that we perceive.


However, in man’s history, there are times that were low,

And His/Her love for us, God felt it would be good to show;

Always through individuals His/Her message to share,

That in spite of all, for each of us, He/She still does care.


This brings us to a point of some possible divergence,

As we reach a place where religions show more difference;

God’s existence and man’s origin, a more common thread,

Follow-up contact between God and man, more has been said.


To this point our thoughts, while being entirely logical,

Additionally, they have been somewhat universal;

Many religions profess a god, they might be the same,

A different culture might just use a different name.


That He/She is a loving creator, we do take note,

And would challenge religion or doctrine otherwise wrote;

The impact through history with religion we have seen,

More toward the Judaic-Christian background we will lean.


Does this mean others are wrong, that only one can be right?

‘Tis when we close our minds, that I fear we often lose sight.

“So much good in the worst and bad in the best,” it reminds,

Truth in lots of places I feel the open-minded finds.


There is a point here that I feel is very pertinent,

That man’s the creator of religion and government;

An individual relationship God does prefer,

It is man that through someone else tends to want to defer.


Man tends to be governed, whether by choice or oppression,

Even in religion, seems to submit to direction;

Like simple, trusting sheep willing to follow a shepherd,

Choices about religion to leaders often conferred.


If from the Judaic-Christian history we choose to read,

Which the Christians, Jews and Muslims all seem that they will heed;

All the times with man God has chose to communicate,

It was an individual He/She chose to relate.


Prophets, visions, all the messages that were somehow sent,

Through an individual God consistently has went;

Again His/Her reality to not prominently bare,

Also this relationship with us each He/She does share.


The messages that He/She was consistently giving,

That midst all the doom and despair in the lives they’re living;

He/She is always there, and His/Her love they could still feel,

In spite of whatever else, this love is what is still real.


Back to the Judaic-Christian background we chose to follow,

For one thing it is the one about which most of us know;

During one of those very low times in man’s history,

God did choose to clarify some of His/Her mystery.


God chose Abraham, a simple man, and his loving wife,

To emphasize about Him/Herself and love in their life;

Along with love, their lives He/She blessed and they did prosper,

Both love and blessing to their descendents they did foster.


It was not always, though, to the traditional first-born son,

More importantly ‘twas often passed to the most-loved one;

More important than the blessing and all that they might gain,

Was that love with God and each other would always remain.


Through thousands of years and through numerous generations,

The family grew, even becoming complete nations;

Though many times they would falter, many they did succeed,

But always believing that they were the chosen, indeed.


Even though God’s message of love, countless times He/She sent,

Still more oppressive grew their religion and government;

There became so many rules their religion did require,

They were more restrictive than those from the Roman Empire.


To a depressed point this nation and man again had come,

And a heavy burden the “chosen” mantle had become;

So God sought another way that He/She could help them see,

That not a burden His/Her love was intended to be.


So this brings us to Jesus, both the man and his message,

The point where the Judaic-Christian religions do diverge;

But before we get started discussing their difference,

With Jesus’ message, let’s first get a little better sense.


His teaching and examples are all very consistent,

With all the messages that God has repeatedly sent;

That having a love relationship with God in our lives,

Will bless the life we’re living whatever our gains or strifes.


We can’t choose the circumstances into which we are born,

Nor often escape, no matter how hapless or forlorn;

Whatever other happiness may or may not be found,

The happiness that’s found in love will always still abound.


To a people struggling to follow their self-proclaimed rules,

Jesus showed love and laughter were the true precious jewels;

He taught most importantly to love God all that they could,

And then truly loving one another, they also should.


He did not overthrow the leaders or the rules cast out,

But simply tried to show what it was they should be about;

No matter the circumstances of any time and place,

Happier with God’s love would their conditions be to face.


Additionally, Jesus’ message still claimed even more,

That our love with God would continue on forevermore;

Death, while inevitable, our love it would not just end,

That eternally with God, we would be returned to spend.


This great message and teachings, what they needed in those days,

Consistent with God’s great plan, it’s a message for always;

But not just another booster becomes the Christian take,

For a critical juncture God’s relationship does make.


Christians believe that God chose to become Jesus, the man,

Not just to remind, but to fulfill His/Her precious Plan;

His message and teachings become even more paramount,

It’s the significance of the crucifixion account.


While many by his teachings some understanding was won,

In that legalistic culture still more had to be done;

For in those times and circumstance, there still had to be more,

For their legal system, someone had to even the score.


With all their legal rules for penalty and sacrifice,

A score that’s settled when Jesus their system crucifies;

In lieu of each of us, for all of us to abdicate,

For all mankind’s wrongdoings Jesus’ death can compensate.


So the simple Plan to live our lives in love and concern,

For those who believed that this great right they would have to earn;

They are assured that enormous price is already paid,

And their own peace with God can now be so easily made.


Being God, this painful, mortal death Jesus does transcend,

Even more significance to his message it does send;

We can live our lives in the happiness of God’s great love,

And face death with assurance we’re joining Him/Her above.


Now the Jews and the Muslims this Christian take they don’t buy,

They cannot accept that God Jesus did personify;

At least part of the reason they find it hard to accept,

Is that it was not the visit from God they would expect.


They’re expecting God in glory and majesty to come,

And establish here on Earth a great and mighty kingdom;

Not to be born into poverty in an old barn stall,

And then just live among us, looking like one of us all.


Maybe two thousand, three thousand, four thousand years ago,

That would be a logical direction for God to go;

So much sorrow and oppression in the world all around,

Give up His/Her experiment so that love could be found.


Fortunately, though, God hasn’t yet given up on us,

That’s why He/She decided to become the man, Jesus;

To better exemplify and show us all the right way,

That in a love relationship with Him/Her we could stay.


In spite of all the trouble that we see in our own time,

For there is still way too much sorrow, hurt, pain, hate and crime;

However, the improvement that’s really, truly been made,

For His/Her continuance I think God it does persuade.


Slavery, oppression, all forms of human submission,

While still present, they’ve shown considerable remission;

In old cultures almost ev’ryone lived in servitude,

‘Twas just a small ruling class with freedom or latitude.


Wars were common in the past to conquer and subjugate,

Violence back then they more frequently did instigate;

War and violence, unfortunately, are still present,

But, at least, they are not as customary or frequent.


Hate crimes we see are horrifically incredulous,

But they’re isolated remnants of wide-spread prejudice;

Improving civil rights regardless of race and gender,

Give credence to the fact our world’s more caring and tender.


Through the ages our world’s become more loving and caring,

And we’ve removed more obstacles to allow it’s sharing;

For God and His/Her Plan, that encouraging love does stress,

The improvement mankind’s made is some degree of success.


So to me it seems to be logically consistent,

That God does continue with His/Her great experiment;

He/She still wants man to decide in Him/Her to believe,

And His/Her blessing of love for us to therefore receive.


It seems logical also that God as Jesus did try,

His/Her message of love in our lives to exemplify;

So we’d understand better how with Him/Her to relate,

And how through each of our lives more love we can all create.



Now saying that the Christian belief makes logical sense,

And that the deity of Jesus indeed bears credence;

Doesn’t mean that other religions have to be all wrong,

Or that to a specific church a person should belong.


Jesus was the re-boot of God’s original great Plan,

So He/She could have a loving accord with ev’ry man;

Like the Plan itself, Jesus’ teaching has this one precept,

It’s simply God’s great gift, which we only have to accept.


Man has made religion and/or church as an instrument,

Which are usually formed with perfectly good intent;

Collectively joining for fellowship, worship and praise,

Concentrating efforts to help others in worthy ways.


Clearly the good results are potentially magnified,

When all these good efforts are collectively unified;

Congregations and choirs joining in a magnificent song,

Concerned people reaching out to help another along.


But when church or religion peoples’ lives start to control,

They stray from their objective and take on another role;

Whether by intent or accident, ‘tis easy to see,

With all the trust given, a racket it’s easy to be.


For anyone who you let tell you how your life to live,

Way too much license to that association you give;

This love of God in your life you can so readily find,

No subjection to anyone else do you need to bind.


‘Tis each individual with which God wants to relate,

Love with Him/Her to enjoy and with others to create;

No matter what is your condition or circumstance,

That great love you can always cherish just as He/She plans.

Theology Trilogy




There is a God and He/She is Love truly is our start,

Proof of His/Her existence does seem logically smart;

His/Her intricate design is also evidence of,

His/Her intent to happily exist with us in Love.


The Apple choice it took to become the Prodigal Son,

So the choice to return His/Her Love comes to ev’ryone;

He/She duly chooses fully apparent not to be,

So there really is a choice that’s left up to you and me.


The Plan for Man is simply for that gift of Love to share,

To love God in return and for one another to care;

All the Love that we feel and the ways that it we express,

God feels it all through us and His/Her Plan is a success.


Church and religion can help this wonderful Love to spread,

But some times they choose to argue and/or control instead;

We as individuals need to keep ourselves on track,

‘Cause that Love for God and each other we should never lack.


Happiness in life is not terribly complicated,

Things like fun, wealth and comfort are very over-rated;

Regardless of circumstance, life with Love that does abound,

A great expanse of happiness is most surely found.


I sincerely hope this logic has made some sense to you,

Because I really hope that you can see this much is true:

God is Love, Love is God, indeed they really are the same,

He/She/It is not that hard to find, whatever the name.


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