Daniel Dalke - a would-be whisper of conscience
Special, I hope that this day might be,
As special for you as you are for me;
Though you’ll be busy throughout the day,
I hope you’ll remember these words I say.
Indeed, you are my special valentine,
That great true love, I get to claim as mine;
By nothing I’ve done, do I deserve your love,
So thankful I remain, for being blessed from above.
My love for you, each day I do try to project,
In gratitude for that great love you reflect;
Hoping that in some small but effective way,
This great love that I feel, to you I can convey.
Special you surely are, very special to me,
So I take this moment, to try to help you see;
Forever, ever and evermore, for all time through,
I’m happy to be in this Special Love with you.